Strategic Marketing

Formulate and implement a customer-centric marketing plan for your products and services


Strategic marketing includes the systematic development and marketing of unique offerings to clearly defined target groups in three steps: First, you select the most attractive target segments and position yourself as a supplier with a clear competitive advantage. Second, you define which products and services, prices and channels you want to offer. Finally, you decide how the value of your offerings will be communicated and sold in the most effective way.

Your Benefits

The participants will learn how to…

  • Manage marketing as an integrated value creation process
  • Develop segment-specific offerings with clear competitive advantages
  • Formulate and implement an integrated marketing plan
  • Calculate the expected return on investment (ROI)
  • Overcome the barriers to executing the plan


  • Strategic marketing as a driver of profit and growth
  • Translating business strategy into marketing strategy
  • Specific challenges of service marketing
  • Strategic marketing in the digital age
  • Developing and implementing a customer-centric strategic marketing plan
  • Stakeholders involved in the marketing planning process
    • Collecting the required data and information
    • Analyzing the current situation
      • Market, customer and competitor analysis
      • Understanding customers´ purchasing decision processes
      • Internal analysis of your company
    • Defining SMART objectives
    • Choosing the value
      • Selecting the most attractive market segments
      • Developing the value positioning and branding
    • Providing the value
      • Offering unique product/service bundles
      • Moving from cost-based to value-based pricing
      • Selecting the most effective channels
    • Communicating the value
      • Advertising and public relations
      • Sales promotions and direct marketing
      • Social media
      • Personal selling
    • Calculcating the expected return on investment (ROI
    • Implementing the marketing plan
    • Controlling and risk management

Target groups

CEO´s/Business Unit Leaders, Managers and Specialists from Marketing, Sales and Service.


Two days

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